Quality and environmental work are very important for our activities. For this reason, we are certified under ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and ISO 14001. Lesjöfors has an on-going programme for monitoring and improving our processes, seen from an environmental perspective.
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Our philosophy
In our company we follow up our traditions. Experience is the core to new knowledge and the driving force behind all progress. Knowledge and skills can never be used up, only refined. Knowledge always leads to new knowledge. Our expertise is the technology of springs, stampings and strip components. Lesjöfors has operated in these fields for a substantial number of years, and our aim is to keep our market leading position.
Our major qualities that have made us market leader are:
- High competence
- Superior customer Service
- Cost effective production

Quality and environmental policy
Our ambition is to always deliver top quality products and services with as little environmental impact as possible.
To be able to achieve this, we:
- continuously follow up, re-examine and revalue our systems and set goals
- consider and evaluate quality and environmental aspects in the processes we canaffect
- introduce continuous improvements at all levels in our business
- make arrangements to prevent mistakes and shortcomings
- secure that our business always live up to current law and demands
- increase expertise, awarenesses and understanding among our staff on a regular basis
Our Code of Conduct focuses on three areas: People and society, the environment and ethics.It addresses our approach to suppliers, quality and product liability. The Code outlines our efforts to create a sustainable value chain. While the Code itself provides support, it only becomes tangible and makes a difference when it is applied in our daily operations.
Sustainability creates business opportunities. For Lesjöfors AB, the connection between successful business operations and corporate social responsibility is obvious. In addition to contributing to a better world, our sustainability work creates new business opportunities, cuts costs, reduces risk and allows us to meet the demands and expectations of interested parts within and outside the Group.
Our work focuses on five target areas:
- Sound business ethics and social commitment
- Circular solutions and more efficient use of resources
- Reduce climate impact
- Safe and stimulating work environment
- Innovate with sustainability in mind