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Januar 30, 2025
Sargo beherrscht die Kunst der Seenavigation. Ihre Boote sind preisgekrönt und werden seit über 50 Jahren mit höchster Handwerkskunst gefertigt. Und die Gasfedern von Lesjöfors spielen dabei eine wesentliche Rolle.
Januar 6, 2025
Im ersten Quartal dieses Jahres stehen in Frankreich, Malaysia, Schweden und den USA Spezialistenteams der Lesjӧfors Gruppe aus den Bereichen Medizin, Landwirtschaft, Elektronik und Robotik im Rampenlicht.
Dezember 13, 2024
Der Unternehmensbereich Lesjӧfors Automotive wurde bei einer Preisverleihung einer internationalen Handelsgruppe mit der Trophäe „Excellence in Logistics“ für seine Vorreiterrolle in der Lieferkette ausgezeichnet.
Dezember 10, 2024
Mit dem mehr als verdoppelten Anteil an erneuerbaren Energien von 2004 bis 2022* hat sich auch die Komponentenlieferung von Lesjöfors für den sich entwickelnden Energiesektor in eine ähnliche Richtung entwickelt.
November 8, 2024
Stellen Sie sich vor, kostenlos an Fitnessgeräten im Freien zu trainieren, egal welches Alter Sie haben oder wie fit Sie sind. Denken Sie an ein Training, das nicht nur gesünder ist, weil es Körper und Geist mit der Natur in Einklang bringt, sondern auch an nachhaltigen Geräten stattfindet. In einer neuen Kooperation zwischen Nordiskt Utegym und den Gasfedern der Lesjӧfors-Gruppe wird diese Vision nun Wirklichkeit.
Oktober 23, 2024
Mit dem Erwerb unseres ersten Federnherstellers in Frankreich, Ressorts Lacroix, hat die Lesjӧfors-Gruppe ihre europäischen Angebotslösungen erweitert.
September 26, 2024
Die Einbindung von Lieferanten ist für alle Unternehmen wichtig, die sich der Initiative Science Based Target (SBTi) verpflichtet haben. Lesjӧfors arbeitet strategisch mit Partnerschaften und bevorzugt Lieferanten, die Metalle und Transporte mit niedrigen CO2-Emissionen liefern können.
September 18, 2024
Es ist zwar noch ein Jahr hin, aber nächstes Jahr um diese Zeit wird die Lesjӧfors Group auf der DSEI, der Leitmesse der weltweiten Verteidigungsindustrie, ihr umfangreiches Produktsortiment vorstellen.
September 4, 2024
Die Vielzahl der Messen in Asien, Amerika und Europa, an denen die Lesjӧfors-Teams in diesem Quartal weltweit teilnehmen werden, spiegelt die Vielfalt und Reichweite der Produktpalette der Lesjӧfors-Gruppe wider.
August 22, 2024
Vom 10. bis 14. September 2024 wird der Geschäftsbereich Automotive Aftermarket der Lesjӧfors Gruppe auf der weltweit führenden Fachmesse für den Kfz-Ersatzteilmarkt mit Teilnehmern aus 175 Ländern und einer erwarteten Besucherzahl von 100.000 Personen im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens stehen.
Juli 26, 2024
Heute, am 26. Juli 2024, hat Lesjöfors eine Vereinbarung über den Erwerb von 100 Prozent der Anteile an Ets Lacroix SAS unterzeichnet, einem französischen Federnhersteller, der hauptsächlich Druckfedern für Kunden in der Hydraulik und der allgemeinen Industrie liefert.
Juli 17, 2024
Die größte Sportshow der Welt steht kurz bevor und hinter einigen Athleten steht eine Feder, die ihnen hilft, ihre sportlichen Leistungen zu verbessern.
Juli 11, 2024
Die Lesjӧfors-Gruppe, Marktführer in der Herstellung von Federn, Stanz- und Biegeteilen, hat mit der Eröffnung einer neuen Produktionsstätte in Polen durch ihre Tochtergesellschaft Alcomex ihre Aktivitäten in Osteuropa weiter ausgebaut.
Juli 1, 2024
Heute, am 1. Juli 2024, hat Lesjöfors 100 Prozent der Anteile an Clifford Springs Limited, einem britischen Federnhersteller, erworben. Die Übernahme wird das Federnangebot von Lesjöfors für die Dichtungs- und Ventilindustrie stärken.
Juni 5, 2024
Die Lesjӧfors Gruppe hat einen Webshop veröffentlicht, der rund um die Uhr Zugang zum weltweit breitesten Angebot an Standardfedern bietet, so dass dieser für jeden, überall und jederzeit 24/7 verfügbar ist.
Mai 30, 2024
Sich auf den Weg machen, dem Alltag entfliehen und in den Sonnenuntergang fahren, in der Hoffnung auf ein bevorstehendes Abenteuer – davon träumen Caravan- oder Wohnmobil-Besitzer. Lesjӧfors und Kabe erfüllen diese Träume seit mehr als 15 Jahren in einer Partnerschaft zwischen Kunden und Lieferanten, bei der Qualität im Mittelpunkt steht.
Mai 23, 2024
Making springs available to everyone, everywhere, at any time, the Lesjӧfors Group, has launched an online shop offering 24/7 access to the widest range of standard stock springs in the world.
Mai 2, 2024
Automotive AB, das nordische Logistikzentrum von Lesjöfors für den Automobil-Ersatzteilmarkt, hat seine Scope-3-Emissionen mit Hilfe des Verpackungslieferanten Stora Enso deutlich reduziert.
April 29, 2024
Die Produktionsstätte der Lesjöfors-Gruppe in Changzhou, China, hat den Zertifizierungsprozess für ISO 13485 bestanden – die höchste Norm der medizinischen Industrie für Medizinprodukte.
April 25, 2024
Die Verkaufsteams von Lesjöfors, wahre Experten für Federn, Stanz- und Biegeteile, sind ein integraler Bestandteil der insgesamt mehr als 2.800 Mitarbeiter der Unternehmensgruppe. Sie reisen zu den weltweit führenden Fachmessen, um neue und bestehende Kunden aus dem breit gefächerten Kundenstamm der Gruppe zu treffen.
April 8, 2024
Zum ersten Mal in der Federnindustrie wurden die kurzfristigen Ziele der Lesjӧfors-Gruppe zur Verringerung der Klimaemissionen offiziell von der Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) bestätigt.
März 6, 2024
Die Lesjöfors Gruppe erweitert ihr globales Logistiknetzwerk mit der Eröffnung eines eigens errichteten Vertriebs- und Verkaufszentrums für ihr Standard-Lagersortiment, um schnellere Lieferungen innerhalb Europas zu ermöglichen.
Februar 23, 2024
Es kommt nicht jeden Tag vor, dass wir eine Schlagzeile wie diese schreiben können, aber nachdem wir vor kurzem Gasfedern an die schwedische Seenotrettungsgesellschaft geliefert haben, erschien uns die Überschrift passend.
Februar 19, 2024
Die ehrgeizigen Ziele unserer Gruppe im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit zeigen Wirkung. Wir sind in einem Nachhaltigkeitsindex unter den führenden Unternehmen in Schweden aufgerückt und bereiten uns auf einen Aufstieg im CDP-Ranking vor, nachdem wir uns der Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) angeschlossen haben.
Januar 31, 2024
Im ersten Quartal 2024 werden Lesjӧfors und seine Tochtergesellschaften jedes Produkt über mehrere Geschäftsbereiche hinweg auf mehreren branchenführenden Messen rund um den Globus vermarkten – von Frankreich bis Amerika, von Kanada bis Europa. Letzte
Januar 15, 2024
Einer unserer Fokusbereiche bei Lesjöfors liegt auf nachhaltigen Innovationen. Um unsere Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu verringern, haben wir ein Projekt initiiert, das sich auf Lebenszyklusanalysen und Ökodesign konzentriert. Das sind zwei Bereiche, die in Zukunft immer wichtiger werden.
Januar 9, 2024
Die Lesjӧfors-Gruppe ist weltweit führend in der Herstellung von technischen Federn, Stanz- und Biegeteilen. Aufgrund einer steigenden Nachfrage nach Federn mit großen Durchmessern hat sie über eine Million Euro in eine neue Produktionslinie für Warmumformung investiert.
Dezember 21, 2023
Lesjöfors hat heute 100 Prozent der Anteile an der Stumpp & Schüle GmbH und ihrer slowakischen Tochtergesellschaft Stumpp & Schüle s.r.o. veräußert.
Dezember 21, 2023
Trotz der allgemein rückläufigen Konjunktur geht es unserer Gruppe gut, dank unserer breiten Kundenbasis in vielen verschiedenen Sektoren. Unsere Akquisitionen haben uns noch stärker gemacht und wir haben uns auf eine Reihe von Wachstumsbereichen konzentriert. Zudem haben wir auch unsere Bemühungen um Nachhaltigkeit mit neuen ehrgeizigen Zielen intensiviert.
Dezember 11, 2023
Die Zugfeder ist seit jeher der weltweite Federheld der Garagentore. Wenn Sie ein altes Garagentor öffnen, werden Sie überall eine Zugfeder finden. Allerdings haben Weiterentwicklungen dazu geführt, dass neue, anspruchsvolle isolierte Garagentore auch den eingesetzten Federtyp weiterentwickelten, wobei Drehfedern teilweise durch Zugfedern ersetzt wurden.
November 10, 2023
In einer Welt, in der über 130 Millionen Menschen – das sind beeindruckende 1,85% der Weltbevölkerung – auf Rollstühle angewiesen sind, bricht Feal Ramps mit seinen innovativen und umweltschonenden Rampensystemen neue Barrieren auf. An vorderster Front steht dabei die iRV Beladerampe, eine technologische Innovation, die dank spezieller Gaszugfedern von Lesjöfors Mobilität neu definiert.
Oktober 31, 2023
Die Lesjöfors Gruppe ist der erste Hersteller in der Federnindustrie, der sich durch die Unterzeichnung der Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) im Einklang mit dem Pariser Abkommen zu ehrgeizigen Klimaschutzmaßnahmen in der gesamten Organisation verpflichtet hat.
Oktober 16, 2023
Lesjöfors China wird von seinem Kunden ElringKlinger mit einer begehrten Auszeichnung bedacht. Als „Global Supplier of the Year“ erhält Lesjöfors die höchste Punktzahl, die je ein Lieferant erhalten hat. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit innerhalb unserer Gruppe hat den Weg zu dieser Auszeichnung geebnet.
September 20, 2023
In der dynamischen Landschaft Asiens voller Innovation und Fortschritt ergreifen wir die Chance, uns weiterzuentwickeln und unsere Präsenz zu stärken. Mit großem Enthusiasmus teilen wir mit, dass alle John While-Unternehmen mit Stolz den Markennamen Lesjöfors tragen werden.
August 21, 2023
Unsere Reise in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit schreitet schnell voran, und die Lesjöfors-Gruppe ergreift in vielen Bereichen Maßnahmen. Einer davon ist die Teilnahme an der EcoVadis-Plattform, wo wir bei unserer ersten Bewertung eine Bronzemedaille erhalten haben.
Juni 13, 2023
Haute Couture ist der Inbegriff der Mode, die Entwicklung von Sonderanfertigungen für die Haute Couture. Dabei ist es keine Branche, die normalerweise mit Federn in Verbindung gebracht wird. Lesjöfors hat jedoch kürzlich seine eigene Haute-Couture-Fede
Mai 22, 2023
When our customers have a basic knowledge in spring technology, it delivers a more cost-effective and accurate spring solution for them. Our Finnish company recently hosted a spring training day in Estonia which was a ’win, win’ for all.
Mai 9, 2023
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Elektroautohersteller Polestar hat Lesjöfors die innovativen Fahrwerksfedern für den Polestar 2 BST edition 270 entworfen und produziert – ein limitiertes Fahrzeug, das die Grenzen der elektrischen Leistung erweitert.
April 3, 2023
Lesjöfors has today signed an agreement to acquire the shares in Tollman Spring Company. inc., a US spring manufacturer. Through the transaction, Lesjöfors further strengthens its US presence following the acquisitions of John Evans’ Sons and Plymouth.
April 3, 2023
If your application requires high forces but the space for deflections is relatively small, wave springs are very often the best – and sometimes the only – alternative. Speaking examples are roller bearings and sealings between a housing and a rotating shaft.
März 6, 2023
In the US, almost every American house has a garage. Therefore, the market for residential overhead garage doors is enormous in this continent. Together with an increasing demand for overhead doors from the industrial building sector, the American door spring market is about four times larger than in Europe, an opportunity where Alcomex, part of the Lesjöfors Group, is making the most.
Februar 6, 2023
First week of February, Lesjöfors exhibited for the first time at Pharmapack in Paris, the world-leading exhibition for the drug delivery devices industry.
Januar 4, 2023
Lesjöfors, via Alcomex, has today signed an agreement to acquire 100 percent of the shares in Amatec B.V., a Dutch spring distributor. With the acquisition, Alcomex, and the Lesjöfors group, strengthens the distribution capabilities of stock springs, in line with its ambition to build the leading spring, wire and flat strip component group.
Dezember 22, 2022
Overall, we can sum up a good year for our group, despite geopolitical disturbances due to the tragic war in Ukraine and challenges in the supply chains. We benefit from the fact that Lesjöfors is solid and robust. Even though we had to close our profitable operation in Russia, the group is doing well and we will reach the goals set for the year.
Dezember 12, 2022
Lesjöfors is a frequent exhibitor with great results from meetings at exhibition floors. The top Scandinavian industrial event Elmia Subcontractor and Valve World Expo in Düsseldorf in Mid-November were both very successful.
November 24, 2022
Springs are vital for the perceived quality of a sectional overhead garage door. If door springs are not well balanced, the door does not run smoothly. Spring technology is a complex part of the sectional overhead garage door and a mix of factors determine the life span, quality and functioning of a spring.
Oktober 24, 2022
One of Lesjöfors’ core markets is growing rapidly – the global medical devices market. Reports show that the market is expanding worldwide. Lesjöfors is a qualified supplier of components to the sector and can meet the high demands of hygiene and quality.
Oktober 3, 2022
In many of our Lesjöfors companies, we use apprenticeships as a strategic way to introduce, train and keep the most suitable staff for the future. In the UK, European Springs & Pressings has just on-boarded five new apprentices in an extensive program.
September 22, 2022
Heavy loads put additional pressure on vehicle suspension. This can cause a range of issues, such as reduced brake efficiency, tyre wear and difficulty in steering. It also leads to additional costs, which we have hugely reduced thanks to our new Lesjöfors suspension spring design.
September 14, 2022
Today Lesjöfors has signed an agreement to acquire 100 percent of the shares in Telform, a Turkish spring manufacturer. With the transaction, Lesjöfors expands its production footprint, in line with its ambition to build the leading spring, wire and flat strip component group.
Juni 28, 2022
Lesjöfors, part of the Beijer Alma group, has today signed an agreement to acquire the assets and operations of John Evans’ Sons INC, a leading US spring manufacturer. With the acquisition, Lesjöfors strengthens its US presence and significantly increases its sales to the medical industry, in line with its ambition to build the leading spring, wire and flat strip component group.
Juni 13, 2022
Fishing is both a profession, a hobby and a sport all over the world. Practitioners are often very careful about choosing the right equipment and fishing luck is said to vary based on the gear. Lesjöfors has recently had the honor of designing a small but important wire form for a completely new product line of fishing lures.
Juni 2, 2022
Springs perfectly customized for elite gymnastics spring floors is one of the latest development projects for our UK based subsidiary Lesjöfors Heavy Springs UK.
Mai 9, 2022
Anuga FoodTec in Cologne is the most important source of impetus for the international food and beverage industry. As the world’s most important supplier fair, it covers all aspects of food production and after two years of pandemic, the hotspot was back in business the last week of April. Lesjöfors’ experts of metal conveyor belts for the food industry were there.
Mai 5, 2022
Wir freuen uns, über einen spannenden Kundenfall zu berichten – ein emissionsfreies Schneemobil. MoonBikes wandte sich wegen einer maßgeschneiderten Feder an unsere niederländische Tochtergesellschaft Alcomex, was zu einer umfassenden Zusammenarbeit führte, die auch Fahrwerksfedern umfasste.
April 21, 2022
Breaking all records, subsidiary Lesjöfors Fjädrar in Sweden recently installed the largest model ever made of Wafios wire coiling machinery.
April 4, 2022
Major world crisis affect us all in one way or another, this also applies to Lesjöfors‘ operations for obvious reasons. Despite the pandemic and current state of war, we are still well equipped to continue our growth journey. Ola Tengroth, CEO of the Lesjöfors group, gives his view on the market situation.
März 28, 2022
There is a lot going on in the industrial sector to increase productivity in a more sustainable way and to reduce vulnerability in the global supply chains. One of many projects within our group is a fully automated packaging process in Germany.
März 17, 2022
The Lesjöfors group expands business to a new European market – Spain. Our Dutch company Alcomex is taking on the challenge to introduce our superior range of industrial springs and door springs to the Iberian market.
März 10, 2022
Let us introduce our newest company in the Lesjöfors group – Plymouth Spring. A highly skilled US manufacturer of springs, stampings, wire forms and precision pins.
März 7, 2022
The situation in Ukraine is a human tragedy. Our thoughts are with all those impacted by this humanitarian crisis. The Lesjöfors Group has decided to pause all operations in Russia until further notice.
Februar 24, 2022
To accelerate sustainability implementation, the Lesjöfors Group has recruited a Head of Sustainability. Anna Haesert is well experienced from several Swedish industrial companies. Reviewing the entire value chain, from purchasing to the final products, is one of the prioritized areas.
Februar 3, 2022
Lesjöfors is launching a new company, rebranding its two former European Springs & Pressings factories in Cornwall. The factories will now form a new company called Lesjöfors Heavy Springs UK.
Dezember 16, 2021
Lesjöfors outperforms in 2021, a fact which I am very happy and proud of. Once again, we have the pleasure of talking about a „record year“ with both results and sales at higher levels than ever before.
Dezember 10, 2021
Lesjöfors has acquired the assets and operations of Plymouth Spring Company, Inc., a US-based manufacturer of industrial springs. The acquisition is another step in Lesjöfors’s ambition to consolidate the industrial springs market and marks an expansion in the US market where it sees potential for further growth, both organic and through M
Dezember 6, 2021
In November, the Lesjöfors brand won the World Automotive Component WAC (Russia MAK) 2021 award for “contribution to the development of the automotive components industry”.
Oktober 18, 2021
Being at the forefront of the current technological revolution is key to our group’s success. Lesjöfors continues to invest and advance how we manufacture to prepare for the industry’s future. A new Bruderer machine in the UK is one step in this direction.
September 17, 2021
Lesjöfors’ gas springs business is expanding worldwide. The reasons for this are related to new sales channels and reliable deliveries as well as recovery from last year’s dip in demand caused by corona restrictions. Customers appreciate the high service level greatly.
September 8, 2021
Major new business with a manufacturer of electric cars is the outcome from a successful cooperation within the Lesjöfors Group. Extensive synergy opportunities provide manufacture and supply worldwide.
August 24, 2021
Lesjöfors‘ product range is growing continuously. We can now also offer traction gas springs that provide immediate power and high safety in applications that require a controlled closing. The products are available both in the standard range and as well as custom-made adapted to individual requirements.
Juli 29, 2021
Lesjöfors has today entered into an agreement to divest 100 percent of its shares in S&P Federnwerk GmbH.
Juli 28, 2021
Lesjöfors has today acquired 88 percent of the shares in the Alcomex Group. With the transaction, Lesjöfors gains access to new geographies and a new product area, in line with its ambition to build the leading spring, wire and flat strip component group.
Juli 27, 2021
Lesjöfors ist eine weltweit agierende Unternehmensgruppe, die in den Bereichen Entwicklung undHerstellung von technischen Federn, Biegeteilen und Stanzteilen sowie Gasfedern tätig ist.Mit mehr als 1.800 Beschäftigten in über 25 Produktionswerken
Juni 24, 2021
Do you remember this time last year? The situation was completely different; we were in the middle of a sharp decline and the worries for the future and how the pandemic would develop was in all of our minds. One year later, mass vaccinations of the population worldwide are taking place and the economy has reversed.
Juni 24, 2021
Metrol Springs is one of the newest members of the Lesjöfors family. With large investments in new machinery and greater access to an expansive global market, the future looks bright for the British gas spring experts.
Juni 3, 2021
Das deutsche Lesjöfors-Unternehmen Velleuer hat sich nach Jahren des steigenden Geschäftsvolumens dazu entschlossen, seine Räumlichkeiten mit einem neuen Gebäude zu erweitern. Dank der größeren Fläche wird es mehr Platz für automatisierte Prozesse und
Mai 4, 2021
Die Unternehmen von Lesjöfors arbeiten weiter an ihren Nachhaltigkeitszielen, wobei die Senkung der CO2-Emissionen ein Schwerpunkt ist. Velleuer in Deutschland ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür, wie ein Übergang zu einem grünen Energiemix die Emissionen um mehr als die Hälfte senken kann, und das schnell und einfach.
April 22, 2021
It´s springtime = time to jump around! With a new outdoor season just around the corner, the timing for a story about trampoline springs could not be better. Lesjöfors customized tension springs for trampolines have contributed to making North Trampoline’s Performer a success.
März 30, 2021
Once again, springs from Lesjöfors play a critical role in a progressive student project. The Hyperloop concept will bring super-fast, fossil-free transportation of both people and goods. A group of technical students in Sweden is competing in global events to develop the groundbreaking technology.
März 25, 2021
Am 1. April wird die Tochtergesellschaft Lesjöfors Fjädrar in Mittelschweden auf Biogas, eine fossilfreie Energiequelle, umstellen. Durch die grüne Umstellung werden die Kohlendioxidemissionen des Unternehmens um 70-90 Prozent gesenkt.
Februar 25, 2021
The Lesjöfors company in Herrljunga, Sweden, has taken a new, exciting approach to be at the forefront of spring development. Here, the group has established a test lab for materials and springs.
Februar 18, 2021
2020 was a difficult year in many aspects but there are also positive things happening. One example of this is a safety award that Lesjöfors China received from the local government, Xinqiao in Changzhou. The Xinqiao administration chose to award Lesjö
Februar 3, 2021
Since Mid-December 2020, a solar cell plant that covers 5,000 square meters of the rooftop of Lesjöfors Banddetaljer´s production facility in Värnamo is in operation. The solar cells are estimated to produce about 25 per cent of the plant’s annual elec
Januar 22, 2021
The Siegenia Group in Germany has appointed the Lesjöfors company Velleuer “Supplier of the year”. A truly prestigious award based on a partnership with high-quality products and reliable supply. Siegenia is a German manufacturer with worldwide presenc
Dezember 18, 2020
I probably do not need to repeat this, but 2020 really stands out as an extraordinary year. In times, it has been extremely tough, but our group is equipped to cope with adversity. This year, more than ever, we have shown that our stability is an unbea
Dezember 14, 2020
One of the world’s leading suppliers of applications for stabilizing buildings in earthquake areas has its base in the south-west of England. Lesjöfors delivers springs with critical functions to the company’s joint solutions. Who would have thought, t
Dezember 3, 2020
The start was a bit slow. Then the brakes were hit hard as things went down the ditch. Next, back on track, there was a steady re-start followed swiftly by rapid acceleration to full speed, eventually followed by a gradual return to normal. Are we refe
November 26, 2020
The Lesjöfors company Stumpp + Schüle, with sites in Germany and Slovakia, has made important decisions for the future orientation of the company by further investments in the Slovakian site and in new software tools. Despite the major challenges that
September 30, 2020
A new spot welding machine has brought many advantages to the Latvian factory. Manual tasks have been reduced and the machine can weld up to six spots on the same surface at a time, which gives a multi doubling of the efficiency.
September 8, 2020
In Latvia, a new manufacturing plant is in full swing since April and is already exceeding everyone’s expectations. The well-planned, highly sustainable facility is optimized not only for a streamlined production, but also for a healthy work environment.
August 17, 2020
In July 2020, the US company Purdy Engineering contacted John While Solutions in Singapore to develop and manufacture volute springs for a space vessel. The smooth spring development process resulted in a satisfied customer and high-performance springs in space.
Juni 15, 2020
Because of the covid19 spread, the demand for medical equipment is very high worldwide. The Lesjöfors company John While Solutions in Singapore has received a large order of a wire form with an important function in life-saving equipment. The US health
Mai 22, 2020
The Dutch Lesjöfors company Tribelt specializes in the manufacture of metal conveyor belts. A major business area is the food process industry. One customer case is the global food company McCain where Tribelt’s belts facilitate their European production.
Power springs are most commonly used to retract a cord, cable, hose, or webbing around a spool; or drive a mechanical device. You will find power springs in many everyday applications; for example the seatbelt retractor in your car, the starter for your lawn-mower, the cable retractor on your vacuum cleaner, a window blind in your house, a retractable dog leash, a mechanical clock, a tape measure, or even a medical drug delivery device.
April 14, 2020
Several of the companies within the Lesjöfors Group have many years of experience supplying the medical industry. We would like to introduce some examples of spring products specially manufactured for this industry of current interest.
März 31, 2020
Several companies affected by consequences from the coronavirus have contacted Lesjöfors. Since we have manufacturing at many locations around the world, we have solved delivery problems promptly.
März 27, 2020
Our world faces major challenges and our group must adapt to the prevailing circumstances and contribute in minimizing the risk of spreading the coronavirus. We want to be transparent about how we are affected, but also tell you our ability to deliver.
Innovative and progressive research and development is part of our DNA. Spring specialists in Sweden have recently made prototypes and tests of springs in a new, cost effective material that can withstand high temperatures. Test results are very positive.
Februar 25, 2020
Lesjöfors Industrifjädrar in Nordmarkshyttan, Sweden has recently invested in both a new warehouse and in leading-edge machinery. The Wafios machine strengthens production capacity considerably for torsion springs with complex geometries.
Februar 17, 2020
UK based Metrol Springs is the newest company in the Lesjöfors group. Their gas struts are able to suit many unique customer requirements and the solutions are effective. One example is a custom-made anvil slide that helps to utilize the truck space more effectively.
Februar 10, 2020
Lesjöfors’ market was heavily affected by external factors last year. An overall downturn in the automotive aftermarket, uncertainty with Brexit and the trade conflict between America and China was some of them. To be prepared for the future, Lesjöfors has made major investments in existing operations and acquired highly qualified spring manufacturers. Lesjöfors’ new CEO gives his thoughts on the coming market development.
Januar 31, 2020
Exhibition season will soon be in full flow and the Lesjöfors group is getting ready for interesting and fruitful spring discussions all across the globe.
Januar 2, 2020
Lesjöfors AB is delighted to announce its acquisition of the shares in Metrol Springs Ltd, a leading manufacturer of tooling gas springs, special purpose gas springs, and gas struts, within the UK and other global markets.
November 27, 2019
The Brittish Lesjöfors company European Springs & Pressings, one of the largest suspension spring manufacturers in Europe, has confirmed its position and commitment to the automotive sector with the recent purchase of a large-scale powder coating line.
November 22, 2019
Once again, Lesjöfors can sum up four fruitful days filled with inspirational conversations and enquiries at the Elmia Subcontractor show in Jönköping. Nine of the Nordic Lesjöfors companies gathered in a joint operation and the spring discussions were countless in the stand.
Oktober 24, 2019
In order to provide the best possible trampoline experience, tension springs with ultimate properties are required. North Trampoline has, assisted by Lesjöfors, developed a premium product with the exact firmness and a long lifespan, that professional jumpers call „world class“.
Oktober 3, 2019
Haldex has successfully finished the joint development of the ModulT disc brake with one of the world’s largest truck manufacturer, and is now starting serial production for an all-wheel drive truck. No less than three Lesjöfors companies supply springs and stampings to the new disc brake system.
September 27, 2019
Over the past several decades, Lesjöfors has grown internationally and displayed strong, profitable growth under the leadership of Kjell-Arne Lindbäck, who will be retiring after the end of the year. Ola Tengroth has now been appointed as the company’s new CEO.
September 25, 2019
From August, Lesjöfors Tinglev in Denmark has expanded their production capacity with new machinery from Wafios to enable a faster production and an increased spring range.
August 28, 2019
Since many years, Lesjöfors works effortlessly within the field of environmental, ethical and social responsibility in close collaboration with our owner company Beijer Alma. The group is now setting new goals for the coming five-year period with an even bigger focus on sustainability.
Juni 26, 2019
At a ceremony on June 4, world leading power tool producer Stihl awarded Velleuer with their prestigious “Supplier of the year”. Velleuer received the award for outstanding accomplishments with respect to quality, technology, innovation, service and price-performance ratio.
Juni 24, 2019
Material. Manufacturing process. Design. How the three factors interact is crucial for the characteristics of a spring. Without relevant academic research in this field in Sweden Lesjöfors develops the knowledge needed to design springs for harsh environments.
Juni 17, 2019
For many years, Lesjöfors China has worked hard to be a top class automotive supplier. In addition to full awareness and compliance to our automotive customers’ needs, improved quality methods for customers in other segments are also achieved.
Mai 27, 2019
Thirty-three of the Lesjöfors group’s most skilled technicians recently met for training and discussions in Velbert, Germany. The conference included lectures, sharing of new technical knowledge, a study visit etc.
Mai 14, 2019
Lesjöfors, one of Europe’s leading manufacturer of springs, pressings and wire parts acquires Spirbelt Beheer B.V., which includes its two subsidiaries Tribelt and De Spiraal in the Netherlands.
Mai 2, 2019
The Hannover Messe is the largest and most important industrial fair in the world with 6,000 exhibitors and more than 200,000 visitors annually. Lesjöfors was one of the exhibiting companies representing the partner country Sweden.
April 26, 2019
Our springs are used in all facets of everyday life and are essential in many environments and applications. What we aren’t used to seeing is hats suspended from our springs in the bathrooms of one of London’s most exclusive restaurants.
April 18, 2019
Did you know that Lesjöfors is a major distributor of coil springs and gas springs to the automotive industry in Russia? On April 6-7 2019, our Russian representatives participated at the Phaeton Expo and experienced two interesting days.
April 2, 2019
2018 was a memorable year for the Lesjöfors Group; we have never before experienced such a boost in sales. Our strategy with a decentralized structure where we work close to the customer´s operation is our main key to success.
März 28, 2019
At a ceremony on March 25th in Tianjin, Lesjöfors China´s MD Mikael Andersson received the prestigious award “Excellent Quality Supplier of 2018” by Danfoss, one of the leading actors within climate and energy technology.
März 7, 2019
The employees at Velleuer have great opportunities to develop their skills and take new steps in their careers. Study visit to other industrial companies is one way of enhancing skills; another is further training at the local technical academy.
Februar 25, 2019
Lesjöfors’ Norwegian company is a major player in spring supply to the Norwegian manufacturing business. In February 2019, Lesjöfors A/S celebrates its 25th anniversary.
Februar 14, 2019
Lesjöfors has now released a new version of our 3D CAD service. The new version includes more features and we have put an effort in making the search engine more user-friendly.
Januar 18, 2019
Exploding in to the New Year, European Springs & Pressings, supported by their parent company Lesjöfors, have invested 1 million euros in a new spring coiling machine, the first of its kind in the UK.
Dezember 19, 2018
During two intense days in Stockholm, technical staff from the group´s companies in the business area Pressings met for sharing new knowledge, group discussions and networking.
Dezember 12, 2018
Taking the stress out of pre-stressing, Lesjöfors´ UK company European Springs & Pressings have invested in a unique invention, with the design of an automated pre-stressing machine. Another important chapter in the company’s success story of 70 years in the spring business.
Dezember 6, 2018
Our wide product range has now reached a whole new continent – Australia. ASI Springs, Australia’s premium stock spring specialists, has decided to take on a range of Lesjöfors´ torsion springs in stainless steel for distribution on the Australian market.
November 20, 2018
Elmia Subcontractor is over for 2018. Never before has the Lesjöfors Group received so many interesting inquiries and so many new leads as from this year´s trade show.
November 13, 2018
Springs have been at the heart of engineering since before the Industrial Revolution and now they are set to be a key part of today’s Robotic Revolution. In cooperation with Robot Studio, Lesjöfors is providing springs for the future.
November 5, 2018
The oil and energy industry in Norway is experiencing a positive increase after some years of reduced activity. Optimism became visible on the Offshore Technology Days (OTD), the industry’s annual meeting place.
Oktober 17, 2018
The UK based Lesjöfors company European Springs & Pressings has doubled the size of its Cornwall operation with the purchase of a new 2000 square metre site.
Oktober 9, 2018
Finland is booming and the industrial sector is leading the way. The great optimism was noticeable in the buzz at Alihankinta, the annual trade show for subcontractors in Finland.
September 26, 2018
One million patients are seen every 36 hours by the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. Sanandco and their MonitorMe product, with springs supplied by European Springs & Pressings, is working on easing this NHS headache.
August 24, 2018
Is there anything springier than a trampoline? In most people’s eyes, it certainly is a typical use of a spring. Lesjöfors, known for developing the best and most durable tension springs on the market, have recently expanded into the trampoline sector.
Juni 26, 2018
The Danish Lesjöfors company in Tinglev has shown impressive results in reliable supplies for a long time. Delivery quality measurements show almost a full score year after year, which customers’ value highly.
Juni 26, 2018
The organic growth that started in the second part of 2017 continues in an even stronger way in 2018. Lesjöfors’ CEO Kjell-Arne Lindbäck sums up the year so far and looks to the future.
Juni 12, 2018
A recent investment, making the most of the latest digital technologies managing the day-to-day running of the business for European Springs & Pressings, has empowered staff in the Cornwall factory to rise to the challenge.
Juni 5, 2018
Lesjöfors has a constant focus on streamlining the production with automatized processes at all units. Consequently, a new piston rod assembling machine for gas springs production has been installed in the Latvian company.
Mai 3, 2018
For the third time, Lesjöfors Slovakia has been awarded as one of the best suppliers to global company Kiekert. In 2017, Lesjöfors was the second best supplier in Europe.
April 17, 2018
Springs are used in the most various of fields. Don´t miss out Lesjöfors springs displaying the latest in trainer trends from the iconic sporting brand Nike in the Oxford Street store in London.
April 6, 2018
From March 20-23 2018 the ESEF trade fair was held in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The Lesjöfors stand was well-attended and many productive discussions was held with new and existing customers.
März 13, 2018
Shakespeare said “all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players” and for the Cornwall factory of European Springs & Pressings, a company in the Lesjöfors group, this couldn’t be more true.
Februar 27, 2018
In the Mid-Sweden, the motor enthusiast Pelle Söderström is in the final phase of finishing the world´s first and only straight 16-cylinder car engine. The engine contains valve springs from Lesjöfors.
Februar 1, 2018
Lesjöfors has for many years sponsored various student projects with products and know-how. Besides a good exposure of the product range it also presents Lesjöfors as a highly qualified employer.
Januar 24, 2018
Lesjöfors in Denmark has been appointed Company of the Year 2017 by Bröndby community. Lesjöfors receives the award for the many years of social commitment providing internship for unemployed citizens.
Dezember 12, 2017
A new form of trainee program has been implemented in Slovakia to increase the numbers of technical skilled workers. Lesjöfors company Centrum B* has in 2017 employed young workers who will combine a technical education with internship in the company.
Dezember 5, 2017
Lesjöfors has participated in an innovation project for wheel lockers. The new wire product prevents truck wheels from falling off with a simple and reusable construction.
Oktober 27, 2017
Lesjöfors´ wide range of standard springs is unique in the world market. The new edition of the spring catalogue is slightly changed and improved. The range is more extensive than ever.
Oktober 16, 2017
Deutsche Post DHL Group’s StreetScooter GmbH has worked hard to make e-mobility standard practice in the logistics industry. The German Lesjöfors company Velleuer is supplying wire rod items to the vehicles.
Oktober 10, 2017
Through efficient cooperation with Lesjöfors Industrifjädrar, technology company CEJN has introduced a new product on the market. The product is a quick coupling for electric and air chargers on rescue vehicles.
September 20, 2017
Wave springs can be the perfect solution when spring space is limited. A wave spring provides the same effect as a spiral or compression spring but with half of the spring height.
Juli 3, 2017
Lesjöfors, with 26 production sites worldwide, is a global spring company with the perhaps widest product range. Through our decentralized structure and local way of working where we know our customer, we ensure the best customer service.
Juli 3, 2017
Lesjöfors in Tinglev has a strong focus on further developing their good customer relations. The company has three customer access points: purchase, construction and logistic. Now they have started spring training courses for customers.
Juni 2, 2017
The UK based Lesjöfors subsidiary European Springs & Pressings Ltd have outgrown its Yorkshire office and warehouse. Now it’s relocating to a new, purpose built facility in Huddersfield.
Mai 15, 2017
The Hannover Messe is one of the largest industrial meeting points in the world. During the busy days 23-27 April, 225 000 attendees mingled among 6 500 exhibitors. The Lesjöfors staff experienced great interest in their stand.
April 28, 2017
The Beijer Alma scholarship for 2017 is awarded to Zigurds Sudints, development engineer at Lesjöfors in Latvia. Zigurd won the prize for his innovative approach, enthusiasm and competence.
April 5, 2017
Mastering the manufacturing behind a new and innovative product is a task engineer’s relish. Lesjöfors subsidiary European Springs & Pressings got stuck right into the project when approached by the sticky tape dispenser company, TapePal.
März 24, 2017
Spiralspecialisten AB, a subsidiary of the Lesjöfors Group, has acquired the spring operations of Swedish company Spiros AB – a spring manufacturer with more than 90 years in the business.
Februar 27, 2017
Velleuer, part of the Lesjöfors Group, has developed a manufacturing process for stampings with extreme purity requirements for the German automotive industry. In custom-built washing equipment the components are cleaned, rinsed and dried.
Februar 10, 2017
At the end of the year we received amazing news that Lesjöfors Automotive AB as well as Lesjøfors AS have been awarded ”Supplier of the Year” by its customers. Great customer focus and high support level is highlighted as important key factors to the success
Januar 25, 2017
The new production plant for Lesjöfors´ Slovakian company Centrum B is now officially opened. At an opening ceremony on November 23 the new ultramodern production facitilities were inaugurated.