Top delivery performance in Denmark

The Danish Lesjöfors company in Tinglev has shown impressive results in reliable supplies for a long time. Delivery quality measurements show almost a full score year after year, which customers’ value highly.

Tinglev, Denmark – The Danish Lesjöfors company in Tinglev has shown impressive results in reliable supplies for a long time. Delivery quality measurements show almost a full score year after year, which customers’ value highly.

The main production of Lesjöfors Tinglev is compression springs in the dimensions 0.2-4.8 mm, often in very high volumes. Customers are mainly located outside of Denmark in Europe, India, China, the US and Mexico. The machinery is completely modernized and is in forefront thanks to recently made major investments. The equipment for testing cleanliness and lifespan, prototyping and quality control is extensive.

Extraordinary delivery results

Lesjöfors Tinglev is well-known in the market for its’ high delivery performance. Measurements the past years, both internal and customer performed, show nearly 100 % accuracy, year after year. A good example is the nomination of “Top Supplier 2017” to one of the company´s most prominent customers.
“We are very happy to be defined as accurate and reliable by our customers. It is an on-going work and we are constantly looking for improvements. Our main objective is that a customer always can count on that a Lesjöfors spring is top quality and delivered on time as requested”, says Kim Holm, Key Account Manager at Lesjöfors Tinglev.

The Danish Lesjöfors company in Tinglev has shown impressive results in reliable supplies for a long time. Delivery quality measurements show almost a full score year after year, which customers’ value highly.

Lesjöfors AB