Velbert, Germany – Ten years ago, the German Lesjöfors company Velleuer certified to the environmental management standard ISO 14001. Since then Velleuer constantly monitors the environmental effects of their output and explores potentials to improve. In 2016, the company succeeded in reversing the negative trend with rising production-related CO2 emissions, even though production volumes increased. To take in energy sources with less environmental impact was the solution.
Sustainability focus
In 2020, five years later, the opportunity had come to lower the CO2 emissions even further. With the conversion to green electricity, a further annual potential of reducing almost 300 tons of CO2 has opened up. This means an emission reduction of more than 60 per cent* thanks to certified green energy, produced with a zero emission guarantee.
Frank Jahn, MD of Velleuer, comments on the company’s sustainability focus:
“We are happy this opportunity came up and March 2020 was the right time for us to make a transition at a reasonable cost. For further steps, we are monitoring new opportunities according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol providing standards for business and utilizing “Eco cockpit”, a free and easy-to-use online platform. Currently, we have completed the analysis on Scope 1 and Scope 2. In 2022, Scope 3 will come, when we broaden to the business field of procurement.”
*on Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHP Protocol
Charging stations at the premises
Velleuer also encourages the idea of emission-free local mobility. The company has installed both a charging station for employees´ electrical bikes, and a 2 x 22 kW wall box where coworkers can charge their electrical vehicles as well as company cars.
“To make it easier taking the bike to work does not only make a valuable contribution to lower air pollution, it also improves our employees’ health so it is a huge win-win for all parts”, says Frank Jahn.