首页 (shǒuyè) » 关于 Lesjöfors
Lesjöfors 集团为全球不同行业的客户提供最广泛的弹簧和压件。 Lesjöfors 在高科技、定制解决方案方面拥有独特的专业知识和灵活的制造能力,是满足所有弹簧需求的主要合作伙伴。
我们通过收购和自然增长不断提升其市场地位。 目前,我们在瑞典、芬兰、挪威、丹麦、德国、英国、荷兰、斯洛伐克、拉脱维亚、韩国、中国、泰国、新加坡、墨西哥和美国市场设有制造或销售办事处。
30 1 月, 2025
Mastering the art of maritime navigation, Sargo’s award-winning boats have been custom crafted for over 50 years and Lesjӧfors’s gas springs have played an integral part in their legacy.
13 12 月, 2024
Awarded the ‘Excellence in Logistics’ trophy at an international trade group awards ceremony, the Lesjӧfors Automotive division has been recognized for its supply chain supremacy.
我们拥有分散式结构,允许您继续对您的业务负责,但为您提供访问我们整个全球范围、专业知识和生产的机会。 知识共享是我们的关键力量。
World Ag Expo is the largest annual agricultural show of its kind.
Malaysia Technology Expo is an annual main event showcasing the latest advancements and innovations in various fields of technology.
Our teams across our spring, pressing, gas spring and metal belt departments are available to help with your enquiry. Please complete the form below and one of our experts will be in touch.
If you would like to send a technical drawing, please contact us at hello@lesjoforsab.com